Corinth Exposed 2017 / Photography Festival Korinthia 2017
International Photography Competition – Exhibition
Media sponsors:

Submission deadline: Monday 24th April 2017, 24:00
Your submission is considered valid only if your submission complies to the rules and conditions as described below. Thank you.
The depiction of cultural heritage through a contemporary photographic view.
The cultural heritage of every nation is a very wide and broad concept.
Elements that could offer us an initial outline of our cultural heritage are those mentioned in the cultural history of our world, from Antiquity to the contemporary cultural production. The connection between the two form a colorful mosaic of our Worldwide Cultural Heritage.
Contemporary art and the expression of its visual language redefines its relationship with the past as a starting point for the future through the personal view of each artist.
The photographs that will be selected and awarded by the international judging committee will be included in a photographic exhibition in the Municipal Gallery of Korinthos.
During the opening event of the exhibition, at least one photograph of every participant will be presented on video projection.
*The judging committee holds the right of excluding any participant.
How to submit your entry:
1) Only adult individuals from the age of 18 and are professional or amateur photographers can participate in the competition.
2) The participants may send (1) to (5) photographs to the judging committee (Lawyers Office of Vasiliki Stamou, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., for one and only entry, submitting their photograph/s in one email.)
3) Please include in your email: A) Name, B) Surname, C) Father’s name, D) Telephone, E) Country/City, F) Number of photographs (1-5), G) Email address.
4) Each jpg image must have the following specs: 1600 pixels, resolution 75 d.p.i. All photographs must be sent using wetransfer, email or via our online form.
Terms and Conditions of the International Photography Competition
1) The Lawyer’s office of Vasiliki Stamou has been authorized to be the judging committee’s reception point and guarantees total integrity for all participations of the competition.
2) The photographs are sent to the reputable judging committee only bearing the reference number and without a name/surname of the participant.
3) The judging committee will select enough photographs in order to create a photographic exhibition at the Municipal Gallery of Korinthos.
4) The entries selected are also the winners of the competition.
5) The last submission accepted will be on Monday 24th April, 24:00.
6) The Winners of the competition will be informed by email or phone following the end of the competition in order to digitally send all the photographic high-resolution files for printing using wetransfer.
7) All printing expenses are not paid by the participant, but are covered by the organizers.
8) The photographs must not include the name of the artist-photographer using graphic design.
9) The organizers hold the right to cancel the competition.
10) Only entries that fulfill the abovementioned conditions will be accepted. Photographs which are not yours and are published are subject to the Intellectual Property Copyrights Law. Please note that The Corinthian Photography Club members or any organising body or entity connected to the competition and the exhibition, or the Public Services are not liable for any of the above. The person that published and used the photograph, the Intellectual Property Copyrights of which he/she did not own, is liable for any legal issues.
11) Please note that regarding photographs which include prominent faces of people, the photographer must have received the consent of all individuals included in the photograph, because when and if published they will be subject to the Intellectual Property Copyrights Law. The Corinthian Photography Club members or any organising body representing these or the organizers of the exhibition, or the Public Services are not liable for any of the above. Only the photographer is liable.
12) All terms and condition and all information regarding the organisation of the competition can be found on the website:
13) All news regarding the exact dates of exhibitions and relevant events will be announced through the website.
Yours faithfully,
The Managing Director of the Peloponnesian Institute of Arts
Sokratis Lampropoulos
Organizing Bodies:
Peloponnesian Institute of Arts
Corinthian Photography Club
Global Arts Studios
and supporters
Cultural Centre of Municipality of Korinthos
Municipal Gallery of Korinthos
Region of Peloponnese